Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Finished a project!

I finished my Elizabeth Zimmerman's Pi shawl! I belong to way too many Yahoo groups!! This one is using EZ's almanac to make different projects each month. July is the Pi shawl. I started the shawl on July 12th and finished today! Just in time! I have several projects OTN and will probably skip the August project and go on to September's.


Angelika said...

wow, that shawl is huge. I made a round one before, it was the Rona Lace from Knit Picks. Mine looked big, but needs some stretching to fit comfortably. Somehow I think round ones are more fun, because there isn't that pesky purl row inbetween ;)

Anonymous said...

i would like to get that pattern for the Shawl it is very nice and i wonder what it would look like with beads in serten places on it. look at it and see what you think my be clear ones. just a though.

Debora B said...

Thanks Linda! I tried to email you but I am having trouble! I hope you read this again and email me using the email button on my profile page. I would love to "talk" to you about how I did this shawl.

Kat said...

Wow, that looks beautiful!
I love the color. Great job!

Anonymous said...
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N. Maria said...

I'm in that group, too! I missed knitting that shawl. It's beautiful!